Love. Live. Breathe.
Here, at Dawn of Gaia, we return you to love, to live fully, to breathe deeply.
Practical Spirituality
Spirituality made practical through the observation of your breath,
connecting your life, expressing your love.
Your journey begins here...

Meet Gladys Lee
Gladys believes that everyone is a success by nature, wanting to love and live life to the fullest. She has touched and transformed many lives by showing them the beauty of their true selves and empowering them to lead a life of purpose and joy.
She has been a change catalyst in a few major corporations for more than 12 years before she responded to her inner seeking for a more meaningful life. Since June 2006, she has attended many personal development programs encompassing entrepreneurship, salesmanship, presentation skills and training delivery, as well as facilitation and coaching.
Gladys is a professional Breathwork specialist. Having learnt from both Masters from the West and Gurus from the East, Gladys has harmonized the Neuro-Science of the Mind and Breath. Through the simple and powerful nature of Breathwork, Gladys has been helping many people to live a fulfilling life.
“We are here to shine the light on the path to lead you back to your Divine Self!”

Find Your Life's True Calling!
Watch Gladys' interviews on TLC as she shares about transforming your everyday into a journey of purpose, dive into the transformative power of breathwork, and discover the 3 Ps for stress relief.
Follow TLC

Ancestral Constellations
Ancestral Constellations Session aims to free you from your ancestors’ unresolved emotional issues, problems or trauma. In so doing, it releases you from any energetic patterns that link you to them – patterns that can have an inhibiting or disruptive influence on your life today.